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27th February 20:00, Musikschule Zug, CH - Musik verstehen! Eine kommentierte Konzertreihe der                    Musikschule der Stadt Zug Please click here for Details

27th April Ahmed Adnan Saygun Concert Hall Izmir, TR - BAROQUEST & MARTON BORSANYI

THE EVOLUTION OF CONCERTO - Concerti by Telemann, Albinoni and J. S. Bach

28th April CSO Ada Ankara Blue Hall, TR - BAROQUEST & MARTON BORSANYI

THE EVOLUTION OF CONCERTO - Concerti by Telemann, Albinoni and J. S. Bach

8th August 19:00, Esterházy-kastély Fertőd, HU - Harpsichord recital, works by J. Haydn, J. S. Bach and J. Pachelbel

12th October 18:00, St. Martinskirche Egerkingen, CH - MUSIKALISCHE FREUNDSCHAFTEN DURCH DIE JAHRHUNDERTE - Konzert für Zwei Cembali mit David Erzberger


From 15th to 19th January, Warsaw PL - Harpsichord Masterclass (organiser: Concert Spirituel), Details


3rd February 15:00 & 19:30, Budapest HU, BMC Hall - Concert with Danubia Orchestra - BACH X FOLK

25th February 16:00, Bözen CH, Reformierte Kirche - Concert with Tina Kupprat Soprano

10th March 17:00, Oberwil CH, Reformierte Kirche - Chamber Music with Priscila Rodriguez & Lorenzo Rosato - Violin

6th June 19:00, Budapest HU, Lutheran Church at Deak Square - Bach Festival Budapest - harpsichord recital 

3rd July 16:00, Vác HU, Püspökvác Látogatóközpont – Beer Miklós Hall - Lecture on historically informed thorough bass playing - Details

15th August 17:00, Budapest Kálvin téri református templom - Nyitott Templom / Open Church - 30 minutes Concert before the English Service

25th August, 18:00, Göd, alsógödi Szent István király plébániatemplom - Double Concerti by Bach, Handel, Telemann, Borsányi - Details

8th September 17:00, Oberwil CH, Reformierte Kirche - Frauenliebe und -leben - Concert with Aurea Marston Soprano 

28th & 29th September, Egerkingen CH, St. Martinskirche - Workshop "Cantare Super Librum" 

13th October 19:00, Sabiñán, Spain - Jubilee Concert for Titus Crijnen with Iklim Tamkan, Vanessa Pérez Carvajal, Alberto Martinez Molina, Jaime Martín Garcés and Asís Marquez

Details to Venue

Works for harpsichord by Fazil Say, Asís Marquez and Márton Borsányi

3rd November 17:00, Oberwil CH, Reformierte Kirche - The melancholic counterpoint of the Romantic - Concert with Benedek Horváth - Piano

15th December 17:00, Egerkingen CH, St. Martinskirche - Musica Cordis: Musikalische Freundschaften, die Freunde von Vivaldi - keyboard recital, Details


19th January 19:30, Budapest HU, Music Academy Great Hall - Concert with Danubia Orchestra - click here for Details

20th February 19:00, Kecskemét HU, Hírös Agóra Kulturális és Ifjúsági Központ - Concert with Danubia Orchestra - click here for Details

26th February 20:00, Ankara TR, CSO Tarihi Salon - Organ recital - click here for Details POSTPONED due to the Earthquakes

3rd March 20:30, Istanbul TR, Deniz Müzesi Besiktas - Harpsichord concert with Iklim Tamkan and Senem Demircioglu - click here for Details POSTPONED due to the Earthquakes

26th March 17:00, Oberwil Basel-Landschaft, CH, Reformierte Kirche - Organ concert with Rani Orenstein

27th Mai 19:00, Oberwil Basel-Landschaft, CH, Reformierte Kirche - Harpsichord Concertos with orchestra - Details

28th Mai 17:00, Egerkingen CH, St. Martinskirche - Harpsichord Concertos with orchestra - Details

7th June 18:45, Bartók Rádió Budapest, HU - Radio Live Concert with Sándor Szászvárosi (gamba)

15th June 20:00, Ankara TR, CSO Tarihi Salon - Organ recital - Details

9th July to 16th July: 30th ISAEM Festival in Warsaw, Poland - Details and Application

9th August 19:30, London St Michael and All Angels Northcote Road - Concert with Nicholas Parle - Details

26th to 31st August, Sirince. Turkiye - Klasik Keyifler: Concerts and Masterclasses in Sirince, Turkiye: Details

16th September 16:00, Basel, Warteck Haus - Chamber Music with Özge Özerbek, Violin - Details coming soon

5th November 17:00, Oberwil Basel-Landschaft, CH, Reformierte Kirche - Klavierkonzert zu vier Händen mit Benedek Horváth


26th June 17:00, Egerkingen Switzerland, St. Martinskirche - "Dialog der Tasteninstrumente" with Nicholas Parle  -  Click here for Details

7th July to 17th July: 29th ISAEM Festival in Warsaw, Poland - Details coming soon

21st August 20:00, Velesovo Annunciation Church, Slovenia - Vespers in Hamburg with Istvánffy Vocal Ensemble - Click here for Details

4th September 20:00, Liszt Institute, Hungarian Culture Center, İstanbul - Harpsichord concert with Iklim Tamkan

5th to 10th SeptemberLiszt Institute, Hungarian Culture Center, İstanbul - Harpsichord Masterclass

Gürsel Mah., İmrahor Cad., No:23 B Blok Kağıthane/İstanbul

22nd September, Szeged Hungary, Dóm - J. S. Bach: V. Brandenburg Concerto

2nd October 17:00, Egerkingen Switzerland, St. Martinskirche - "Eine musikalische Freundschaft: Telemann und Händel" with Melissa Sandel recorder and Amanda Markwick traverso  -  Click here for Details

20th November 17:00, Oberwil BL Switzerland, Reformierte Kirche - Klavierkonzert zu vier Händen mit Benedek Horváth

24th November 20:30, Istanbul, Turkey, Santa Maria Draperis Church, Beyoglu - Organ recital / Opus Amadeus Organ Festival, Istanbul - Click here for Details 

4th December 17:00, Binningen BL Switzerland, Pfarrei Heilig-Kreuz Binningen-Bottmingen - Kammermusik mit Orgel und Barockvioline - Barockvioline: Juan Pablo Parra Bedoya

4th December 19:30, Egerkingen Switzerland, St. Martinskirche - Harpsichord recital  -  Click here for Details


6th February 19:00, Online with Óbudai Danubia Zenekar - BMC Best of Vivaldi 

1st March, House-Concert with Róza Bene and Márton Borsányi, harpsichord - Music/YouTube

2nd April, House-Concert with Márton Borsányi, organ - Music/YouTube

12th June 18:00, Egerkingen Switzerland, St. Martinskirche - Details: MVSICA CORDIS Music/YouTube

From 30th August to 9th September - Various Concerts and Masterclasses at Klasik Keyifler Cappadocia

For details please click here

10th October 16:00, Arneburg (DE) Stadtkirche St. Georg - Chamber music with Orgel and Cello 

17th October 17:00, Egerkingen Switzerland, St. Martinskirche - Details: MVSICA CORDIS

24th October 10:30, Reformed Church Oberwil BL (CH) - Service and Concert with organ inauguration

29th October 19:00, Budafok Reformed Church (1221 Bp. Demjén István u. 2) - Vesper im Memoriam Nagy Péter

7th November 17:00, Oberwil BL Switzerland, Reformierte Kirche - Klavierkonzert zu vier Händen mit Benedek Horváth

15th and 16th November 20:00, Cemal Resit Rey concert hall Istanbul - J. S. Bach: Brandenburg Concerti

21st November 19:00, Egerkingen Switzerland, St. Martinskirche - Details: MVSICA CORDIS

24th November 19:00, Budavári Evangélikus Templom, Budapest - J. S. Bach: Concertos for Organ

8th December 18:00, Keresztelö Szent János Templom, Szár - Organ Recital CANCELLED due to COVID restrictions


1st March 18:00, Budapest MÜPA Glass hallDetails

7th April 20:00, Egerkingen Switzerland, St. Martinskirche - Couperin Leçons de ténèbres CANCELLED

25th April 20:00, Biel-Benken Switzerland, Dorfkirche -  Vorleseabend mit Improvisation CANCELLED

15th May 13:00, Basel Switzerland, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis - BA Recital of Melissa Sandel CANCELLED

17th May 18:00, Budapest Budahegyvidék Lutheran Church - Harpsichord recital CANCELLED

31th May 18:00, Budapest Budafok Reformed Church - Harpsichord recital CANCELLED

7th June 17:00, Egerkingen Switzerland, St. Martinskirche - Organ Recital NEW DATE: 23rd AUGUST 2020

14th June 17:00, Budapest Hungary, Kálvin Téri Refromátus Templom - Cantatas by N. Bruhns CANCELLED

From 14th June till 18th June, Szár Hungary - CD Recording CANCELLED

12th - 20th July, Warsaw Poland, ISAEM Festival - Harpsichord masterclass CANCELLED

From 27th July till 2nd August, Szár Hungary - PEMA Harpsichord masterclass CANCELLED

3oth -31th July, Szentendre Hungary - Improvisation and Harpsichord Masterclass

23rd August 17:00, Egerkingen Switzerland, St. Martinskirche - Organ Recital 

27th August, Istanbul - Cembalokonzert mit Iklim Tamkan - Details:  and

5th September 14:00, Basel Switzerland, Stadtcasino - Details:

7th-9th September, Academy of Music, Ljubljana - Improvisation Masterclass

20th September 17:00, Egerkingen Switzerland, St. Martinskirche - Telemann Paris Quartets

From 22nd September till 25th September, Szár Hungary - CD Recording CANCELLED

8th November 17:00, Oberwil BL Switzerland, Reformierte Kirche - Klavierkonzert mit Benedek Horváth CANCELLED

15th November Budapest - Concert with Orfeo Baroque Orchestra Budapest CANCELLED

21st November 20:00, Egerkingen Switzerland, St. Martinskirche - Couperin Leçons de ténèbres CANCELLED

6th December, Rammenau Germany - Details: baroque-e-motion CANCELLED


25th January 19:00, Budapest BMC Budapest Music Centre - With Orchestra "ODZ", Budapest

26th  January 19:00, Budapest BMC Budapest Music Centre - With Orchestra "ODZ", Budapest

6th April 20:00, Egerkingen St. Martinskirche - Manuel Cardoso: Requiem 

18th April 19:30, Budapest Music Academy Great Hall - J. S. Bach Saint John's Passion with Orchestra "ODZ"

19th May 18:00, Budapest Budafok Reformed ChurchTelemann Sonates Corellisantes Erster Theil

7th - 14th July, Warsaw Poland, ISAEM Festival and Summer Academy -  Harpsichord masterclass

26th July 16:00, Kapolcs Művészetek Völgye  - The Life of Händel in a Nutshell with Orchestra "ODZ"

15th September 18:00, Budapest Budafok Reformed Church - Telemann Sonates Corellisantes Zweyter Thei

6th October 17:00, Egerkingen Switzerland, St. Martinskirche - Telemann Paris quartets

25th October 19:00, Budapest Hungary, Tildy Palace - Harpsichord recital

27th October 19:00, Érd Hungary - Chamber music with Guilherme Roberto - Bariton


24th November 17:00, Oberwil BL Switzerland - Chamber music with Benedek Horváth

22nd December 21:00, Egerkingen Switzerland, St. Martinskirche - Chamber Music with Guilherme Roberto


15th - 21 July, Warsaw Poland, ISAEM Festival and Summer Academy - Harpsichord masterclass

8th September 18:00, Budapest Budahegyvidék Lutheran Church - Harpsichord recital and CD Recording

9th September 17:00, Budapest Calvin Church - Organ recital and CD Recording

14th September 19:00, Budapest BMC Budapest Music CentreHändel: Alceste with Orchestra "ODZ"

15th September 19:00, Budapest BMC Budapest Music CentreHändel: Alceste with Orchestra "ODZ"

16th November 19:00, Budapest, Budavár Lutheran Church - International Bach Festival 

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