Here you will find a list of my masterclasses and other international teaching projects with the latest and current projects always appearing on top.
Please scroll down for further details, or use the contact form if you have any questions or would like to apply.

The History of the Harpsichord
A lecture on the history and development of instruments within the harpsichord family with lots of photos, sound samples and history.
Organiser: Érdi Kamarazenekar
Venue: Érdi Galéria (Alsó utca 2., Érd, Hungary)
Date: 28.10.2024. 17:00 - 19:00
For further details pleas click here
A lecture on how modern music editing and publishing changes our perception of music and how it influences our decisions in certain musical aspects.
The lecture is part of IMPULSTAGE MUK 2024
Organiser: MUK Vienna
Venue: Seminarraum, MUK Singerstrasse
Date: 17.09.2024. 16:00 - 17:10
Questions of the Historically Informed Performance Practice from a harpsichordist's point of view
Lecture on the most interesting but less frequently discussed questions concerning thorough-bass playing, taste and stylistic elements as well as notation and its limitations.
Organiser: Philharmony Hungary (Filharmónia Magyarország)
Venue: Vác HU, Püspökvác Látogatóközpont – Beer Miklós hall (Beer Miklós terem)
Date: 3rd July 2024, 16:00 - 17:30
For further details click here: Philharmony Hungary
2023 Klasik Keyifler: Baroque Workshop in Sirince
Baroque Interpretation Workshop, August 26-31
For many modern performers signs of musical interpretations seem very obvious. "Needless to ask what a dot over a note means, doesn't it" we would say, as we all know: it is a staccato.
But what if the dot's meaning turns out to be something completely different, such as play the note longer (the exact opposite of what we do today), or play the note later, or play it separated from the note before, or just simply: don't ornament this note? And for that matter: who was the first person in music history to have said that a dot over a note really means "staccato"?
What if a legato sign actually means: hold down all the notes underneath the slur since legato is the default way of playing and a so called "legato sign" therefore has to mean more than just a simple legato. And what if a simple, well known repetition sign turns out to be nothing more than an indication that the phrase has come to an end? And what could "Rubato" mean if the beat of the movement has to stay stable as opposed to altering it? And how is it possible to write a gigue that is supposed to be in triple time in common time?
The Baroque Interpretation Workshop offers guidance for everyone interested in such questions concerning the performance of music of the 16th to 18th centuries.
Fugue writing Workshop, August 29-31
Fugues are difficult musical constructions, we all know that. We all have had the experience of being terrified while performing long and complicated fugues. In fact, fugues are perhaps the easiest musical constructions, but certainly more easy than many performers think. If one is familiar with counterpoint and stylistic requirements, they will see that the subject and the possible counter subject basically determine the composition. A chain of "Dux" and "Comes" entries with their respective counterpoint, a modulation pattern and the musical construction is nearly done.
The classes on fugues offer basic to advanced knowledge in counterpoint and compositional rules which will help the performer understand fugues and any polyphonic composition much better.
For further information and application please contact Klasik Keyifler:
2022 Klasik Keyifler - Harpsichord Masterclass
Klasik Keyifler in co-operation with the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Istanbul has invited Turkish harpsichordist Iklim Tamkan and me to give a joined harpsichord and chamber music masterclass in Istanbul. Please find all important details below.
Date: 4th to 10th September, 2022
Venue: https://culture.hu/tr/istanbul
Application and other details: https://www.kk-music-en.org/harpsichord-master-class
The masterclass will be held on two harpsichords, one is a French Double by Frank Hubbard, the other is a Single Mietke copy built by Martin Schwabe. Both instruments are exceptionally good ones.
Komponieren im Barock
Workshop an der MDW Wien
19th May 2022, 15-18 Studio Alte Musik, Seilerstätte 8, Wien, 1010 Austria
Lectures about the differences in playing both solo and continuo literature on harpsichord and organ
Lecture no.1: 29th September 2021, 13:45 - 15:50
How to adapt keyboard pieces to various keyboard instruments
Lecture no.2: 30th September 2021, 13:45 - 15:50
How to adapt continuo playing to various keyboard instruments
The lectures take place in "Saint Jacob's Church" Levstikov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The lectures are organised by Dalibor Miklavcic (Academy of Music, Ljubljana)
Impulstage / MUK Wien
22nd September 2021, 10:00-11:10
„... so bald er aber den Rücken wandte, besahe ich seine Partituren..."
Telemann und seine Kompositionsmethoden, und was wir von ihm lernen können
2021 Klasik Keyifler
from 1st to 9th September, Cappadocia, Turkey http://www.klasikkeyifler.org/
Short description: Klasik Keyifler in Cappadocia, Turkey has been organizing concerts and masterclasses for over a decade. I feel very fortunate to have been invited to join the organization between 1st and 9th September in their 2021 edition. I am going to be holding classes and lectures on historical performance practice, harpsichord playing and improvisation as well as playing in concerts myself. The 2021 edition is focusing on string quartets and keyboard players. Please visit the following websites for further details and for application.