Own Compositions

Concerto à 2 ex h
House Concert recorded on 2nd April 2021
the reconstructed 1829 Deutschmann Organ
Kálvin Square Reformed Church, Budapest
The two Youtube links above will direct you to the same House-Concert. One link shows the playing itself, the other the scores to all the pieces on the recording.
Heinrich Scheidemann (1595 - 1663): Præambulum primi toni
Márton Borsányi (1984 -): Chorale prelude on "O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf"
Sei Versetti scritti per gli Amici with Subjects based on Names of Musicians
Versetto I. in g
Versetto II. in d
Versetto III. in e
Versetto IV. in A
Versetto V. in C
Versetto VI in G
Chorale prelude on Christ ist erstanden
Hieronymus Praetorius (1560 - 1629): Magnificat Primi Toni
I. Versus, Tonus in Tenore
II. Versus, Tonus in Discantu
III Versus, Tonus in Basso
House Concert
Róza Bene and Márton Borsányi, harpsichord
recorded on 1st March 2021
Johann Jacob Froberger (1616 - 1667): Partita auff Die Mayerin
Instrument: Replica of the 1619 Johann Mayer harpsichord made by Werner Iten in 1975 This version of Froberger's Partita auff Die Mayerin is based mainly on the copy in Grimm's hand dated 1699.
Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683 - 1764): Les Tendres Plaintes
Instrument: Grand Ravalement after Colmar Ruckers made by Titus Crijnen in 2005 Piece is taken from "Pièces de clavecin avec une méthode pour la mécanique des doigts".
Márton Borsányi (1984 - ):
Ouverture in C "Persistente e Sognatore" for four hands 00:17:43 Róza Bene
primo Márton Borsányi - secondo
Here are four movements of my suite in c minor composed in the style of J. Duphly